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  • #Activation
  • #Launch
  • #Tour
  • #Tour

Acció ON

Internal & external audience.
Barcelona, La Seu d’Urgell, Tarragona, Tortosa, Lleida, Vilafranca del Penadès, Girona and Manresa.

Internal event and tour around 8 different cities in Catalonia. Podcast management and production.

An event that not only highlighted the most outstanding initiatives of each of the ACCIÓ units but also announced their new lines of action.

Under the slogan ‘Fem avui l’empresa del demà’ and in the format of a talk show, Sergi Grimau, led the first event that was later replicated in different territories of Catalonia.


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A series of 8 meetings in different territories of Catalonia with the same purpose: to position the agency and activate its new range of services to boost the competitiveness of companies.

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Do you want to organize a similar event for your company and don’t know how?

Leave it to us. We will do everything for you.

Let´s talk

More projects

  • We transform the annual company convention into a Broadway-style show.

    Corporate Events

    • #Convention
    • #Activations
    • #Show
  • Two meetings, in Madrid and Barcelona, to celebrate the company's 40th anniversary and reinforce the #brandidentity.

    Corporate Events

    • #Show
    • #Anniversary
    • #Activation
  • BIT6976

    Re-inauguration event of Glòriès Shopping Center.

    Brand Activations

    • #Activation
    • #Show
    • #Re-inauguration

    We were behind the design and construction of an interactive space at MWC 23´.


    • #Fairs
    • #Conferences
    • #MWC
    • #Design
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